Sunday 10 October 2010

Top 5 Youtube Videos 2010

5. Blow Job Song - Just a very inspirational, truthful and moving song:

4. Wash hands in Urinal - The highlight from Rude Tube 2010. After going to festivals in my past I would've loved to have witnessed this. Such innocence:

3. Aides Graffiti - After seeing many different stop motion clips like this all over Youtube from post-it notes to moving sand, this clever one (with a message) is my favourite:

2. Kyle smacked around the head with an envelope - This was only a couple of days ago but after being unemployed for over 2 months I'd been watching The Jeremy Kyle Show waiting for this to happen and the first week I'm back at work and I go and miss it. arrrghh:

1. Robot Dancers - Denmark's got talent, there's something I never thought I'd say but check this out for my number one find:

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